"Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind." --Leonardo Da Vinci

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The MIZery Emerges
2005-02-08 @ 00:25

Why is it that life always seems to mirror the weather:
As soon as the sun comes out and you think beautiful weather is finally here, the clouds roll in and the rain falls again.
When you get really drunk, things happen that you don't want to happen. And apparently you're held accountable even for the things you don't remember. Group memory is a beautiful thing. And you can apologize 'til you're blue in the face but if your friends don't want to salvage the friendship then you take a deep breath and a step back and do what I do...
Return to that place in your life where you remember every moment of the day that the only person you truly matter to is yourself.
And what do you do when even you don't care about you?
I'll let you know when I figure that out.

"Everyday is a new day with a new sunrise and a new sunset, so even if tomorrow is ugly too, at least it will be a completely original kind of ugly."

-The Miz

P.S. Remind me next superbowl to watch it alone in my room with no company but my teddy bear. Although at this point I don't think there will be anyone around to remind me, or a party for them to be afraid I'd join.